Logistics/Transportation Full Time jobs in New York

on Veteran's Job Center

3 jobs found.

Director of Engineering

10/08/2024 | ENSCO Inc. | Hauppauge -NY -USA

For more than 33 years KLD Labs, Inc., has provided innovative machine vision solutions tailored for railway customers monitoring, measurement, inspection, cond »

Electrical Engineering Technologist

10/08/2024 | ENSCO Inc. | Hauppauge -NY -USA

KLD Labs, a high-tech engineering firm, specializing in laser-based machine vision products for the railway industry, is seeking an experienced Electrical Engineering Technologist to join our Electrical Engineering (EE) Department. The ideal candi »

Electrical Engineering Technologist

10/08/2024 | ENSCO Inc. | Hauppauge -NY -USA

KLD Labs, a high-tech engineering firm, specializing in laser-based machine vision products for the railway industry, is seeking an experienced Electrical Engineering Technologist to join our Electrical Engineering (EE) Department. The ideal candi »

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